
This is the student written online newspaper.
Send your stories to the editor; Mr. Moore
Stories about school life, sports, social happenings. Tell about the great things that other students do and what they are involved in; to share with the rest of the school.

Pictures can also be sent.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


This is the Growler, the student written, on-line newspaper.
If you have a story to tell, or pictures to share about school activities and events; send them in. 
Mr. Moore

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

2015 Summer time!!

If you have any stories about what you are doing that you would like to share with the rest of the school email them to me at:
 rmoore@aoths.net or lmarcello@aoths.net

You may include pictures as well.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mr. Moore

Good day,
     On Friday, April 25, I was on my way to Phoenix to a teaching conference when I had an accident on my motorcycle. It was serious enough to get me a helicopter ride back to Tucson and UMC. The doctors there fixed my leg. I had planned on returning to school yesterday on Tuesday, but the doctors disagreed and said I need to wait till this Monday. I feel good and I am resting and healing at home. Thank you for the good thoughts some of you have sent.
     Please give the substitutes your attention and good work.

     When I do return, I will be using a wheelchair (non-motorized).
See you soon,
Mr. Moore

PS: The research papers will not be completed till I can get back to school.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Talent Show- by Megan Curtis

Have you signed up for the talent show yet? Hopefully you have because the deadline was on 4/7/14. Auditions are on April 17th and 18th. Make sure to prepare well and impress the judges. The talent show will either be on the last day of school or the second to last day of school. That means between now and then you have lots of time to prepare and make your performance as perfect as possible. Good Luck! 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Basketball for the Girls- By Emily Golembiewski

We have just begun our journey for the girls’ basketball team. Our coach is an amazing coach. We have just started our games and won them both. Big thanks to Cayla Samson for scoring a lot of points at our game vs. Desert Christian. Thank you coach and our team for making the beginning of basketball such a blast!!

My favorite part so far of basketball was on March 5, 2014 I had attempted my first shot and I didn’t make it then coach told me “Use the backboard”!!  So I used the backboard and I made the shot!! When we had 2 seconds in the game I scored the last 2 points of the game!    

Monday, March 3, 2014


Wright Flight is a program that allows students to take flight.  It is offered as an after school club where students learn about the history of aviation through videos, worksheets, and quizzes.  Students also set academic goals that they would like to meet.  At the end of the semester there is a test that is taken on the materials that were taught.  If students receive an 80% or higher, and have met their academic goals, the student will receive the privilege of going to their school’s “Fly Day” where the student will get to fly a real airplane.  
“My favorite part of Wright Flight was being in the air and realizing that I was flying the plane! It was an amazing experience and awesome to see that all my hard work paid off.  Overall my Wright Flight experience was great!” –Allison Davis, 7th Grade

“My favorite part was when the pilot said ‘Now you’re in control.’  My experience was amazing. It taught me that when you set goals and work hard, they can be easily achieved.”

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Seventh grader Hannah Siu was the first place winner in the 7th-8th grade category of the Tucson K-12 Poetry Contest. That means her poem was chosen as the best of all seventh and eighth graders in the city of Tucson. She will be honored Saturday at an awards event at the University of Arizona.

Here is her winning poem:

by Hannah Siu

Thirteen is not a huge deal.
It shows the world you're a year older on your wheel.
Thirteen year olds think they're all grown up,
but technically they are still a pup.
Thirteen is not about being popular or cool,
it's about remembering your past and thinking about your near future.
Even though it may not seem,
we are sensitive to little things.
Don't act all grown up yet,
Cherish the years you have left.
You're off on your own in 5 years.
Can't wait till then to grow up!
Hannah with Tucson Poet Laureate; Rebeeca Seiferle, and the Mayor of Tucson
Correction: We previously reported that Rebeeca Seiferle was Hannah's Mom.